Cornerstone - Centre for Intercultural Studies

Cornerstone Centre for Intercultural Studies is...

  1. ... a Bible College for Mission Training, offering practical and academic training in a mission oriented setting. Most staff have in depth mission experience.

We train people to communicate the gospel cross culturally. Besides the general biblical and theology studies, our emphasis is on missiological subjects, intercultural communication and preparation to live and work in another culture. Living in the international and intercultural community of the college is part of the training.

  1. Cornerstone is an interdenominational evangelical bible college. We stand firm on the basic evangelical beliefs. We are open for discussion and difference of opinion on secondary matters, but seek to avoid controversies and extremes.

The school was founded and is owned by WEC-International but we train candidates for many mission organisations, aid agencies and church missions.



Certificate in Intercultural Studies

  1. Cornerstone is committed to a total approach to missionary training: academic, experiential and practical.
  1. Academic - Qualified staff, a well equipped library, lectures and written assignments enable you to acquire a solid theological and biblical foundation and an in-depth understanding of intercultural dynamics and cross-cultural communication.
  2. Experiential - community living, spiritual activities and mentoring aim at the development of character, a strong spiritual life and relationship skills.
  3. Practical - constant interaction with the world of missions, hands-on activities in both outreach and practical work help to develop vision, ministry skills and practical abilities.

Our one year certificate programme and our two year diploma programme are accredited by the European Evangelical Accreditation Association (EEAA).

One year programme
The one year programme provides training for students who prepare for cross-cultural support ministries, short-term cross-cultural ministry and for those who for other reasons have limited time for training.

The course majors on biblical and theological subjects, but includes also missiological and communication courses to develop basic skills in sharing the gospel cross-culturally. Also included is a three week on-site cross-cultural mission experience.

Two year diploma programme
The Diploma in Intercultural Studies prepares missionary candidates for cross-cultural work in such ministries as pioneer church planting, church nurture, support and aid ministries, 'tent making' situations, etc.

Beside biblical studies, the second year majors on missiology, intercultural studies and cross-cultural communication. Included in the second year is an internship of six weeks hands-on mission experience in a cross-cultural setting.

Kurzbibelschule und Seminare
Most courses in the Cornerstone curriculum are given in modules of one or two weeks. Some courses on theology, missiology, intercultural studies and biblical subjects are also available for people who do not study with us full time. This offers an excellent opportunity for specialized studies to those who do not have time or the need to follow a complete Bible college programme. Short courses are also a useful opportunity for additional studies or refresher courses for missionaries
on furlough.

Cornerstone - Centre for Intercultural Studies
Hagelkruisstraat 19
NL-5835 BD Beugen
The Netherlands

phone 31 485 369130
fax 31 485 369131
email: info(at)cornerstonecollege(dot)eu

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Homepage von Cornerstone - Centre for Intercultural Studies